Re: [AD] another web site proposal

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El 16/12/2008, a las 1:01, Peter Wang escribió:

The English pages could be changed a little to make translations easier,
e.g. by moving URLs into separate files.  Instead of writing:

   Go [here]( for this or that.

we'd write:

   Go [here][foo] for this or that.

This is nice in theory, but in practice it has practically never been used in the old web. After all, even for languages like Korean it was pretty easy to open the file and do a search/replace.

It also starts making the system complex where for cron you want the database being updated regenerate files using the link, which starts going into dependency hell and rebuilding your own make/scons/etc. Unless you don't want to play nice and just regenerate everything every time, though that breaks things like http caches and other stuff.

Don't bother with that unless it really is a priority for somebody.

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