Re: [AD] file system routines

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On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 3:13 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yup. Users and allegro alike should use them over any other api.
But how extensive is it? e.g., could it be used to open up a wav file
inside a packfile or a zip file? What would the API look like that?

> Probably. But there are some non "entry" functions that just take filenames,
> and those would then clash with the others. I tried to make all functions that
> take an AL_FS_ENTRY to be named with entry in it. If you want to remove the
> helper functions be my guest.
I haven't really taken an good look yet, it was just something that
caught my eye. I couldn't think of any way that al_fs_putc() [etc]
could collide with anything else in a meaningful way.

Matthew Leverton

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