[AD] Web building make_feed problems

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Setting up the machine for the mirrors I got into problems running make_feed. It breaks down in line 54 when it tries to retrieve the date. The boring shell error is:

local: 89: 18:58:27+11:00: bad variable name

Something is missing escape characters. I'm running GNU Make 3.81, date GNU coreutils 6.10, and most likely the problem is the shell, sh pointing to dash 0.5.4. If I modify the script to point to /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh, everything seems to work.

Presumably dash is a POSIX shell, but I'm not that interested into filing bugs for such things, they are terribly unpleasant. Not sure if this is of any importance.

If it is not a problem, add .DELETE_ON_ERROR to the Makefile, so it won't generate bad xml if something fails in the middle.

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