Re: [AD] Webmastering the page

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On 2008-12-21, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've commited a few changes to the web page so that mirrors work  
> instead of being full of 404 like cheese.
> First question, what would I have to do to update the web page (me, or  
> just anybody else)?

On the SF site?  Log in to SF shell service, svn update in the checkout
directory, then run make:

    % ssh -t tjaden,alleg@xxxxxxxxxx create
    % cd /home/groups/a/al/alleg/svn_allegrowww2_checkout
    % svn update
    % make

Other languages would require:

    % make LNG=es prepare
    % make LNG=es

But we'll streamline that once there is a translated web site.


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