Re: [AD] END_OF_MAIN removal patch for msvc

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2008/11/19 Miquel 'Fire' Burns <miquelfire@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> For Windows, it's useful because the user doesn't need to make a
> separate WinMain function themselves. If you do find/decide on a way
> to remove END_OF_MAIN(), what's do users do about WinMain?

The thread is entitled "END_OF_MAIN removal patch for msvc", so there
must be a patch somewhere for this :)

> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 8:44 PM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The current api has been fairly well thought out and tested.
> Changing to some kind of GUI toolkit-alike API at the last minute,
> removing a ton of features from Allegro just for this is ridiculous.
> END_OF_MAIN has worked with A4 for a long time and there haven't
> been any major problems with it. Binaries don't run across operating
> systems anyway. And leaving out END_OF_MAIN at least in my
> experience always results in a predictable compiler error. There
> will be far less confusion if we just keep it if it's needed for
> OSX.

Agreed. Replacing END_OF_MAIN() has been discussed many times, and I
hope we will again make the right decision - to leave it as it is.

Maybe we can somehow raise a compiler warning if it is ommited on
platforms that don't need it. :) Because the API needs it.

Milan Mimica

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