Re: [AD] Locking Behaviour |
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On Sat, November 22, 2008 3:40 pm, Paul Suntsov said:
> I have noticed some seemingly sub-optimal behaviour in the memory
> blitting functions and the al_lock_bitmap_region function.
> For the first, why does the routine try to lock the entirety of the
> destination instead of only the location that is going to be written
> to?
> For example, in _al_draw_scaled_bitmap_memory these lines are used
> to accoplish the locking:
That is a case of me getting it working before getting it working
optimally and then forgetting to finish it later. I think it is an
easy fix for draw_scaled, but the same thing is done in
draw_rotated* where I'm not sure how that function really works and
so what coordinates to lock.
> I think that using al_lock_bitmap_region would be better.
> Secondly, why not check to see if the region we are drawing to is
> already locked, instead of failing outright if it's already locked?
> I don't think there is a function like that yet, but perhaps we
> could make al_bitmap_region_is_locked and al_bitmap_point_is_locked
> for the purpose.
We could do that. We'd have to check if the whole region we're
drawing to is already locked.
> Thirdly, if the second point is implemented, both the destination
> and the source bitmaps should remain locked, I think.
> More generally, here's how I'd imagine myself these things working:
> memory routines and such that require locked bitmaps will first
> check to see if the regions they want to draw to are locked, locking
> them if they are not. When they are done, they leave them locked.
> Now, the routines that require unlocked bitmaps (all hardware
> accelerated ones, at least) check if their required bitmaps are
> locked or not, and unlock them themselves if they are.
> al_flip_display, for example, will make sure to unlock the back and
> front buffers. I think this sort of behaviour would be optimal in
> terms of the number of required locks/unlocks (I believe this is the
> sort of strategy A4 used for release/acquire functions). Now, I know
> this violates the leave-global-state-as-it-was-when-you-got-it
> strategy, but I think it makes sense in this situation. Right now
> the functions are too fail-happy for my liking.
> Now, about al_lock_bitmap_region itself, right now it fails if the
> bitmap is locked already:
> if (bitmap->locked)
> return NULL;
> Would it perhaps be better to unlock the bitmap in this case, and
> re-lock it as usual? Just seems like less of a hassle this way (I
> can't imagine any situation when you wouldn't want to do that upon
> failure anyway, that couldn't be handled via al_is_bitmap_locked
> check).
That I don't think we can safely do. The user might lock a region
and if we unlock it and lock a new region on him, that would be bad.
Unless there is some way to avoid that that I'm missing.
Trent :{)>