Re: [AD] renaming of ASM files in Allegro 4.2 branch

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2008/11/17 Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On November 17, 2008, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
>> Hadn't thought of that. Are they still used by the DJGPP port?
>> Anyway, I wasn't really going to suggest deleting them (hey, it's
>> more work than just leaving them alone), just saying that I see
>> removal as a likely fate for them.
> I'm not sure it was ever properly tested. I remember hearing spurious reports
> about the DOS port not even compiling or running a long time after the asm was
> disabled...

DOS port (djgpp) does compile. It doeasn't run apparently.

Milan Mimica

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