Re: [AD] Fwd: multithreading Allegro?

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On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 2008-10-04, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I know of the Cilk project through other people (I worked with a girl
>> who was on the JCilk project, Cilk for java). The point doesn't seem to
>> be that you can *use* Allegro in a multithreaded fashion (I already use
>> 4.2 in multiple threads, just very carefully), but for the Allegro
>> internals to have code that tries to take advantage of multiple cores.
>> For instance writing for loops that automatically expand into parallel
>> versions. Its a clever way of utilizing multiple cores without
>> explicitly writing the fork/join code to do it.?.kjhgtrewq
>> Openmp is another way to achieve this, and it comes with gcc 4.3 and up.
>> I've only briefly looked at Cilk and openmp so I can't say which is
>> better nor even if we care about using it.. Perhaps some of the more
>> mathy routines in Allegro (like quaternions?) would enjoy multithreading.
>> If the api's are really easy to use and support our platforms it may be
>> worth looking into at some point.
> I looked at Cilk a couple of years ago (not Cilk++, but should be
> similar).  It's cool stuff.  But it *is* another language and needs to
> be run through a pre-compiler.  I can't really think of anything in
> Allegro itself which would benefit from the task parallelism to make the
> hassle worthwhile.
> Peter
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