[AD] OpenGL specific functions

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I've talked about it before but I'm bringing this up again. Meanwhile things changed a bit, OpenGL3.0 come out :)

Do we want to support creating OpenGL contexts which are not compatible with Allegro? An OpenGL context cannot be used by Allegro OpenGL GFX driver if it has some weird color format, or incompatible OpenGL API. Like it or not, many developers decide to not even try our GFX API and use OpenGL directly. It certainly has it's advantages. It would be nice if we give them what they need to do so.

A must-have API:
- choose depth buffer bits
- specify the preferred OpenGL version
- report if using Allegro GFX functions is possible
- return the texture handle for a bitmap
- (add your own)

Bear in mind that I am an OpenGL ignorant, so feel free to supplement your opinions. :)

Milan Mimica

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