Re: [AD] al_font_textprintf() and uvszprintf()

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On 2008-10-29, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> whatever is the current... It currently should handle unicode incoming 
> strings. If it doesn't, sorry, my-bad.
> What should happen is the fshook api should send in "native" format strings, 
> which could be ASCII, some codepage, 16bit unicode or UTF8 depending on the 
> platform and "locale". And fshook should be able to take in whatever format 
> the user gives it that allegro supports.

Sorry, I didn't find that very clear.

Let's take an example.  Say the filesystem encoding is UTF-8, but the
user decided to make his application use ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) just because.
What happens with the path API?

I would expect the path API to work with UTF-8 and not Latin-1,
otherwise there may be files on disk which are not accessible!
Of course, if the font addon works with Latin-1 then there may
be valid paths that won't display on the screen.

And then there are Unicode normalisations to consider.


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