Re: [AD] website after SF dropped interactive ssh access?

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On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 5:23 AM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 2008-10-03, Marco Radaelli <xoot123@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> How will translations be handled? Does that CMS have some built-in support or will just be a matter of making different pages?
> Any ideas on translations?

Not sure - in the case of drupal, the interface is translated using
gettext - maybe they have a module which allows adding other contents
to a translation catalog as well (then any of the numerous
gettext-based translation tools could be used, which would be nice). I
sort of randomly picked drupal from -
others might have better support. Anyway, the modules they list for

> I'd also like the old news to remain.

Well, copy&paste could be used. Single pages also can be set to use
HTML instead of markdown as source, so shouldn't be too hard (no idea
if it can convert between formats). But the more there is to
copy&paste, the more of a pain.. so copying over all contents likely
wouldn''t be nice, like an hour of useless work :P

> Will pages be in some form of version control?

With drupal, no. Of course, there *might* be some addon for it, but
hard to tell:

> And Markdown is definitely preferred for me. I don't need to remember
> any markup and copying between the web site, change log and (future)
> manual would be much easier, e.g. maybe we can allow users to suggest
> manual changes on the web site.

Probably it wouldn't be hard to make a script to sync the
documentation into the database after each release (with any CMS -
just a couple of SQL statements) - then comments could be added over
the web.

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