Re: [AD] Plans for Allegro 4.9.5 |
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On Saturday 13 September 2008, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2008-09-13, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Ok, I've been working on it a little tonight, and I wonder, should I
> > rename the vtable stucts to be more like the other ALLEGRO_*_INTERFACE
> > structs?
> Sure.
> > Also, if you're wondering why I haven't made it all part of the
> > ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_INTERFACE stuff, its mainly because the fshooks need to be
> > setup before the system driver gets initialized, does allegro still load
> > a system driver name from a config file?
> Not right now. Currently there is exactly one system driver per
> operating system. We might need an equivalent of SYSTEM_NONE later.
> Also, theoretically, the Linux console port might come back, in which
> case we need multiple system drivers.
> Something like file system handling, on any one OS, will have the same
> implementation no matter what system driver is active, so I think you're
> right to separate it from the system driver.
> Peter
I've merged trunk with my branch and done a bunch of fixups, the code should
work now, it just isn't used anyplace besides al_get_path which I also made
sure to setup for win32 and unix.
If you feel like merging it to trunk feel free, but theres still plenty of
things left to do (like merge in trunks changes made after I did the original
merge this monrning), most are noted in FSHOOK-TODO.
Thomas Fjellstrom