Re: [AD] CMake on Mac OS X |
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On 10 Sep 2008, at 13:42, Chris Robinson wrote:
Does OSX have/use pkg-config? CMake 2.4 comes with
pkg_check_modules which
handilly gives needed -I and -L paths, and gives a list of the
needed libs.
The various Find<Package> includes tend to ignore pkg-config.
I have it installed, but it's not part of the "standard"
installation, I think. On my system it lives in the fink-directory tree.
This isn't good in terms of usability since I don't think we can
expect people to have fink (or Darwinports) installed as a
requirement for Allegro (this is also why I'm annoyed that Ogg/Vorbis
is installed in the fink directory tree on my system). I'll try to
work out a way to install Ogg/Vorbis development packages "properly",
in which case the problem may solve itself.