Re: [AD] Patch to fix -lm on Allegro 4.3.10

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On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 10:36 PM, scott mc <scottmc2@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here's is my first try at fixing the -lm issue on allegro-4.3.10.
> Figured I'd send this in separately from the Haiku patch that I'm
> working on.  I have not tested it out on anything other than Haiku, so
> it needs to be verified that it would properly apply -lm where it's
> needed on a system that does require -lm.  Note that Haiku (and BeOS)
> has the math library built in and will fail if you try to link in -lm.
> -scottmc

Are patches accepted towards allegro 4.3.10?  I've been busy trying to
get CMake working on Haiku and once that's fixed I'll be able to focus
some on getting allegro 4.3.10 to work on Haiku.  Should I send in
patches in small parts or save them up and send them all in at once?

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