Re: [AD] al_set_new_window_position

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On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 17:53 -0400, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> This function sets two static variables in display_new.c, which are  
> unused except for being returned when al_get_new_window_position() is  
> called.
> Is there any further intention of implementing these two functions,  
> or should they be dropped from the API (I think that would be a  
> mistake)? Implementing them will mean adding two parameters to the  
> create_display() method in the vtables.

I think they were added to the API together with al_set_window_position.
Basically, the idea is that instead of:

display = al_create_display(...);
al_set_window_position(display, x, y);

you would use:

al_set_new_window_position(x, y);
display = al_create_display(...);

The advantage is, for example if you store the last position in a config
file, in the first case the window would first pop up on the wrong
position then move to the right one later. I remember that gvim did that
here for some time and it was really annoying.. when opening a file, the
window would show up, you click on text, and in the same moment it
repositions itself.

With al_set_new_window_position, the window would appear in the right
position from the start, and never move around except if the user moves

Of course, it needs to be changed to use thread-local variables, and the
various display drivers should not just ignore it :P

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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