Re: [AD] Two custom mouse cursor patches

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On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Presumably each window should remember its own cursor?
I think it should do that.
> Then again, is A5 supposed to work on 10.2 at all? If not that
> comment is just misleading (giving the mistaken impression that it
> should).
Maybe we need to find out what people are using. Apple can be quite
aggressive with deprecating and removing stuff then adding new
functions so there sometimes isn't a single call that will work across
all versions (e.g. getting a C string from an NSString)
>> I confess that NSImageFromAllegroBitmap isn't right because
>> NSBitmapImageRep uses premultiplied alpha and allegro doesn't.
> I'm not sure I fully understand what that means. The present code
> does seem to do the right thing, if that's what matters.
Have a look at
I think you probably wouldn't notice much on a small image.

> Regarding style and just so I'm clear on this: if I need to expose
> functions from within qzmouse to osxgl (for instance to fill up the
> vtable), they should be prefixed with _al, right?
I think so.
> Should I fill up the display vtable from osxgl (with exposed
> functions from qzmouse) or should I have a function in qzmouse that
> fills in the relevant spots in the vtable and call that instead? The
> latter hides more internal details and exposes fewer symbols. It
> doesn't matter too much, but I just thought I'd ask.
I think the latter is best, the GL code fills in the vtable in the same way.


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