[AD] panning, gain

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Do we need panning and gain control to work for samples/streams attached
directly to voices?  If streams are attached to mixers, then panning and
gain are fairly easily implemented by just rejigging the mixing matrix.
I think that if you attach a stream directly to a voice you'll have to
accept that a lot of functions won't work, e.g. I think playback speed
is ignored right now in that case.

We should have gain controls on mixers, correct?  This can be used to
control the overall volume of your application.  Does panning on mixers
make sense?  I guess if you're chaining mixers to mixers.

If we support gain controls on voices, each voice would need an
intermediate buffer (if it doesn't already), so I think we shouldn't
do that.  You would need to use a mixer and set the gain on the mixer.

In short, use mixers.


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