Re: [AD] scanexp.c problems (and patch)

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On Mon, August 11, 2008 6:30 am, Peter Wang said:
> I'm not sure why it wasn't just defined in this file, since
> misc/ and misc/fixdll.bat always defines it when compiling.
>  So
> I guess it's fine, but you should delete -DSCAN_DEPEND from fixdll.*
> then.

Actually, I couldn't find SCAN_DEPEND defined anywhere, even though
I grep'ed the fixdll.*.

> Would this be because when you use CMake out-of-source builds the
> alplatf.h is generated in a different directory, so it can't be
> found?

Cmake will not complete until allegro.def is generated, so there is
no alplatf.h at the time is run.

Trent :{)>

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