Re: [AD] [ alleg-Bugs-2052840 ] ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_SWITCH_IN

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On Sat, 2008-08-23 at 14:17 -0600, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> On Sat, August 23, 2008 10:58 am, Peter Hull said:
> > Is this event fired when a window switches in (as the name suggests)
> > or when the app does (as AFAICS the windows implementation does)?
> > I've
> > got it doing the former on OS X, so if you flick between two windows
> > you get one switch out and one switch in.
> >
> > Pete
> Then you have it implemented correctly, I think.

Hm, I did it the other way for X11, i.e. when you switch from one window
in your app to another window in your app, you get a switch out event
for one ALLEGRO_DISPLAY and a switch in for the other one - even though
the app itself of course is always active.

So, how does it work in Windows?

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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