Re: [AD] Allegro 5 (4.9) data type

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On 22 Aug 2008, at 12:01, Guillermo Martínez Jiménez wrote:
I've seen that Allegro 4.9 uses the standard C data types. Did you
discuss about to redefine them as OpenGL does? You know, GLint,
GLuint, GLbyte, etc. I know it would be a nightmare to change all
declarations for all functions and structs, but I think the benefits
would be greater, specially to port the library between different
platforms (there are versions for the GP2X and Nintendo game consoles)
and languages. Also the most important and powerful cross-platform
libraries (OpenGL, GTK+, SDL...) do this so it must be discussed.

My opinion: Allegro is not a wrapper around OpenGL, so using OpenGL datatypes throughout Allegro doesn't make sense. Standard C (C99) datatypes, however, does make sense and is not more or less portable than using OpenGL datatypes.


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