Re: [AD] Question about versions

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On 25/08/2008, you wrote:
>> So what happened to keeping allegro clean? Weren't we trying to remove
>> stuff that had few users? Not add more with fewer users?
> It's developers that counts, not users. This Amiga port has got one
> developer, which is a lot more than none like in A4 Windows and DOS
> ports. We are not going to further develop A4, so if he provides a
> working port it's likely that it will remain so even without a
> maintainer.
> If it breaks only 3 users will complain :P

Actually I broke the rule of international mailing lists when I said that -
the rule is "don't use sarcasm."  :-)  When I said 3 users I was being
sarcastic about the Amiga world being a quite small community.  We do have
many more users than that!  And you will find they are very enthusiastic
about something like Allegro.

To be honest (this sentence is for Thomas), there is no reason for me to
release the source code onto Subversion or to have anything to do with the
mailing list even.  It's my project, I worked on it for ~12 months and I'll
release the binaries and keep the source code thank you very much.

But that's not really in keeping with open source ideals is it?  So that's
why I decided to add my source to Subversion because that's giving
something back.  In the Amiga world the situation is similar to the BeOS
world in that Amiga OS is a failed commercial operating system that is
still supported by a hard core of fans, and as well as the official OS
(Amiga OS 4) there are two clones - Morph OS (PPC based) and AROS (x86
based) that Allegro can easily be ported to with a few #ifdefs in the Amiga
specific code.  While I don't use them myself, by contributing my port back
to Subversion someone from those communities can easily modify a few lines
of my port and get themselves a port as well.  So now you have three new
operating systems supported.

[Hitman/Code HQ - 6502/z80/68000/604e/80x86/ARM coder - Amiga rulez!]
[VZ-200/VIC-20/MZ-700/c16/c64*10/c128*8/Plus-4/CPC464/CD32/500*2    ]
[600/1000/1200*2/A4000/SNES/N64/Dreamcast/Athlon 1100/AmigaOne      ]
[Assembly Language: The most fun you can have with your clothes on! ]

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