[AD] 4.9 on MSVC 2008

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I finally got 4.9 SVN code to build in MSVC 2008 after a couple of
days, and I've decided that perhaps I might be able to provide some
useful input on the process. First, I had to generate the .def files.
Because there is no "native windows" way to do this, I had to download
MSYS. I ran the shell file (misc/fixdll.sh) in MSYS and... I got a
crapload of errors. Apparently I needed all of MinGW, too. So after I
got MinGW installed, I tried to run fixdll.sh again and... it gave me
another error.

allegro5/platform/alplatf.h: No such file or directory

Sure enough, that file didn't exist. Trent Gamblin assures me that
fixdll.sh works just fine for him, and doesn't check for this file
(which he told me is the desired behavior). I couldn't make it stop
checking for that file though. So I ended up running cmake . -G
"Visual Studio 9 2008" to generate the header, then I ran fixdll.sh
again, and it succeeded. After this, I opened up ALLEGRO.sln in Visual
Studio and ran Build Solution with "Debug Configuration" selected, and
it worked perfectly. I then ran Build Solution again with "Release
Configuration", and it gave me a single error:

28>mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated
manifest to the resource of file ".\Release\exnew_icon.exe". Access is

Not sure exactly what it means, but there you go. Anyway, I've run the
examples (many of which complain about missing resources, but that is
fixed by relocating the files), and they work! So this is me
confirming that Allegro 4.9 works in Vista compiled with MSVC 2008. I
imagine the issues I had will be fixed at some point. I hope my report
is useful.


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