Re: [AD] Touchscreen patch

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> Looks right to me. So far, registering the DInput event callback
> probably meant that the loop usually only had one item in it - i.e.
> if a
> user pressed and release the button really quick, DInput would call
> the
> handler two times with one item, instead of once with two items - so
> it
> was not missed. I wouldn't be sure though, this might actually fix a
> more general bug of short mouse clicks being lost under Windows :)
> What I'm still wondering though is, even with the fix, won't some
> Allegro 4 apps (all those not using mouse_callback) break
> regardless?
> E.g. if someone only checks mouse_b 30 times per second, it will be
> very
> unlikely to catch the pressed state with your touchpad, as I see
> it..

Yes, my program does use mouse_callback... exmouse seems to still
work with a regular mouse but as you said taps on my touchscreen do
not register unless I do a short drag (which is the same as it was
even when using mouse_callback before). So I don't think anything is
broken, but programs could now use mouse_callback if they wanted to
support a touchscreen. I can't think of a fix that would work
without mouse_callback right now.

Trent :{)>

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