Re: [AD] Touchscreen patch

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On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 12:59 -0600, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> Yes, my program does use mouse_callback... exmouse seems to still
> work with a regular mouse but as you said taps on my touchscreen do
> not register unless I do a short drag (which is the same as it was
> even when using mouse_callback before). So I don't think anything is
> broken, but programs could now use mouse_callback if they wanted to
> support a touchscreen. I can't think of a fix that would work
> without mouse_callback right now.

Well, using A5 is the best fix - events just is a more natural way to
deal with this kind of input. It's why we had to rewrite it in the first
place I guess.. still, this should be applied, the mouse and keyboard
callbacks do give A4 the possibility to use events after all.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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