Re: [AD] bitmaps and displays

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On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 4:41 PM, Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  That's not a problem really. If contexts cannot be shared for whatever reason
>  glxCreateContext() will fail (we call it again without sharing and it succeeds).
Right, same for OS X (probably no coincidence)
>  The problem happens when such display is destroyed. I think it would be the best
>  to convert its bitmaps to memory bitmaps so that they can still be drawn to
>  other DISPLAYs. Anyone sees any problem with this?
Can you just set its texture name to zero? Then, it may be a candidate
to be uploaded to another DISPLAY.

On your is_compatible definition, do think the overhead of scanning a
vector is going to be OK? Otherwise we could put some kind of id field
in both display and bitmap and compare them (i.e all compatible
displays have the same id which is different to all other displays,
and the display gives its id to any bitmaps it uploads)

I expect the great majority of apps will have one display and this
will not be an issue but I suppose we have to do our best by the user.


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