Re: [AD] Progress report

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I've done pretty much the same thing but I have added a field called
'display_group' to the OSX-specific display structure which is
supposed to keep track of which displays are compatible with each

The only down-side is that we have to do all that conversion to memory
bitmaps even if the app is actually just about to quit. I can't see a
way around that.


On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 6:13 PM, Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Milan Mimica wrote:
>  > Peter Hull wrote:
>  >> Also I will need Milan's display/bitmap management thing to avoid
>  >> crashes (if it's not ready, I can hack it by retaining the GL context
>  >> until the app terminates)
>  >
>  > Here. Try this patch.
>  <cut>
>  I have committed a fixed version. In GLX, I forgot to pass all display's bitmaps
>  to another display when destroying it. It is assumed that all displays are
>  compatible in GLX. Otherwise you can't just pass bitmaps to *any* other display,
>  but in GLX you can.
>  --
>  Milan Mimica
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