Re: [AD] allegro 5 text routines and length parameter

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On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 04:30 -0700, Doug Eleveld wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just downloaded 4.9.2 to try to get an idea about
> the Allegro 5 text output API.  What I noticed is that
> they expect a zero terminated string.  This can be
> awkward in some cases and most similar libraries use a
> char* with an int length, where a length of -1 means
> to expect a zero-terminated string.
> Are there any plans to have a string length parameter
> in the Allegro 5 API?  Or should I try to change it
> myself and submit a patch?  
> best regards,

Can you give an example where this is a problem and the int length is an

Anyway, I think we did not decide yet what to do with the string API.
Like, do we want to prefix the A4 string API with al_ and just use it in
A5 1:1?

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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