Re: [AD] POT hack for OpenGL driver

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Peter Wang wrote:

next power of two.  Actually it does it unconditionally.  I ran into
some trouble checking extensions because they weren't necessarily
available when I wanted to check them.

+   /* FIXME: should test against a different extension, I think */
+   /* XXX can't do the test as the extension_list isn't always available yet,
+    * don't know how to fix it
+    */
+   if (0 && ogl_dpy->extension_list->ALLEGRO_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
+      true_w = w;
+      true_h = h;
+   }

OK, i've sloved this. Extensions are now initialized before _al_ogl_create_backbuffer() gets called. The attached patch includes your patch and my fix. It works fine on my card, which supports NPOT, but if I "disable" NPOT support with "!ogl_dpy->extension_list->ALLEGRO_GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two" the text in exnew_bitmap_target does not display properly.

Milan Mimica

Attachment: pot_hack2.diff.gz
Description: application/gzip

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