Re: [AD] 4.9 on OSX

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On 2008-02-18, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2008 10:34 PM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hmm, does it have to be in the root directory, and do the peterhull* files need
> > to be there?
> In principle, no to both. I put it in the root because all the other
> build systems are there. To move it I'd have to basically start again
> because all the file paths are relative to it. The peterhull* files I
> think are just settings (window positions etc) so probably not needed,
> but the IDE checks them in when you do a "Commit Project". I agree
> this is undesirable because these are going to change every session,
> regardless of whether the code has changed, and it doesn't really make
> sense to maintain a history of where I placed my windows on a given
> day. I'll delete those and mark them to be ignored in future, if I
> can. Where should the .xcodeproject be if not in the root?

There is a `misc/project.pbxproj' already so I thought you'd just be
updating that one.  You can leave it in place though.  Eventually we'd
use CMake to generate the project files, correct?

Btw, can you convince your IDE to save files with spaces expanded out?
Once you start modifying files outside of `src/macosx', well, there are
standards to maintain ;)


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