Re: [AD] JPGAlleg

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Andrei Ellman wrote:

for 2.6 - the most recent being 2.6RC3 . Even RC3 had some compilation issues. The last post in the thread was where I posted a patch that solves some of these issues. For some reason, Angelo stopped replying and never released RC4 based on my patch. Note that the URL of the post

The thing is, I had to adapt JPGAlleg's build system to make it compile as a allegro addon. During this process I have fixed many problems I have encountered while testing on unix, mingw, msvc6/8 using both bat and sh environments (just like I did for any other addon, as a matter of fact). This includes some of the problems you've mentioned in that thread.

Still, some of the problems, like practically ignoring DEBUG=1 are still there. I looked at your patches and some of them could be applied, but the question is - are we adopting a dead project? Is it up to us to maintain it? Especially because the things your patches fix (and what hasn't been fixed already) are mostly plugin installation features that allegro build system doesn't use.

I invite you to test 4.3.10plus and its addons. You can get it from svn.
Then if you have some patches or suggestions let us now.

Milan Mimica

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