Re: [AD] use double for al_current_time and al_rest?

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Yes, but who will let their program run for a year? :P Anyway, maybe we
can add a function: al_set_current_time(double t) which resets the value
(might also be useful if we keep an integer value) - to better allow
handling overflow. I.e. the user could then simply reset each day
instead of having to deal with the 50 or how many days, depending on
what type is used.

Making the user to reset the timer once a day is just another thing added to the user's TODO list. If they don't run their app for more than a day, they won't notice, but once someone else does, they will notice a problem. If they don't bother to mention that the problem only occured after running the app for more than a day, the original programmer will have trouble tracking down the bug.

> If we want nanoseconds instead of milliseconds, a 32-bit integer would
> not work though for al_get_current_time, as it would overflow pretty
> fast (after 4 seconds) - but both Linux and Windows timers would provide
> us with that precision nowadays so seems a pity just rounding it down.

Why not just use a 64-bit integer internally for representing the time. While floating point numbers have a greater dynamic range, they are prone to undeflow when the exponent becomes too large. A 64 bit integer is equally as long as a 64 bit double.

Internally, all calculations involving the timer will be done using 64 bit integers. The user-level functions that access and manipulate the timer will use doubles. The double will be converted to a 64-bit integer before it is used in timer-calculation. Likewise, functions for retrieving the timer value will convert the result to doubles. As well as doubles, the timer can be set/accessed using Allegro's 'fixed' type if anyone wants to set the timer using fixed's. If speed of timer access/manipulation really is reqired, another set of functions can be written that uses the native timer-format (64-bit integer) to avoid the overhead of conversion, but the docs will recommend using a 'double' number of seconds for ease of use.

Plus, with doubles being 64-bit, on 32-bit compilers (GCC at least), they'll be passed through memory by a hidden reference (unlike 32-bit floats that can be passed on the stack/in registers).

Usually, setting the timer, reading from it or updating it is not something that is done repeatedly inside a speed-critical piece of code, so I don't think that matters.


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