Re: [AD] use double for al_current_time and al_rest?

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
Should we change

unsigned long al_current_time(void)
void al_rest(long msecs)


double al_current_time(void)
void al_rest(double seconds)

and also have them both use seconds?
And I don't see any disadvantages right now..

Using a floating point value for timers is not a good idea because once the exponent gets too large, the precision of the value to al_rest() for decreases, and eventually, the current_time value will become so large that the amount to rest() for will underflow. While underflow may not happen for a long time, if someone wants to al_rest() for a high-precision ammount of time, the actual time rested will be inconsistent.

> The advantages would be:
> - No implicit guarantee of providing milliseconds accuracy - I don't
> think we always can do that.
> - No limit to milliseconds resolution, when we actually often can do
> much better with all those high precision timers the OS provides these
> days.
> - Seconds as unit seems to be the least surprise, instead of arbitrarily
> using one of milli, micro or nano seconds requiring to check docs each
> time.

Why not just used a fixed-point number of seconds?


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