Re: [AD] win_set_window doesn't work with keyboard input in Windows

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Does this at all have something to do with the fact you get no keyb input if your using win_set_window when the VGA happens whilst its not got the gui's active focus ?

I just miminimze the window, and maximize it again, and the keyb starts working.

guesses: it has something to do with a presumtion about window handles or a GetWindow or a GetDC or soemthing that occurs around the time the set_gfx_ occurs.

Trent Gamblin wrote:
On 12/8/07, Alfonse <alfonse215@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I apologize for reposting this message, but it has been a while since I
originally posted it, and I was wondering if anyone is going to do
anything about it.

Sorry, I've looked into this but couldn't figure out the problem.
Everything seems fine to me, but I'm sure there's something wrong
somewhere. It's just hard to find what's wrong. It may be some gotcha
in the windows api, there seems to be a few of those. I'll try and be
brave and dig through it again sometime soon.

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