Re: [AD] future.html on the website

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On 10/23/07, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > complete compatibility layer doesn't seem technically worthwhile any
> > longer,
> Oh? Why and in what sense not?

It's just a lot of work. Currently, we have a compatibility layer
where all A4 calls render to a special memory buffer, and then that
buffer updates to the screen - that defeats the purpose though as it
is inherently slower than just using A4 directly.

So I think, with the GFX API almost finished now (just a lack of
drivers, only Windows-Direct3D and a quite basic Linux-GLX-1.4 for
now), it's best to next work on sound (compatibility to all the old
voice functions also would be some work here I guess), filesystem and
maybe config APIs and not spend time on compatibility. After that, we
basically have A5 (Trent already wrote two A5 games, so things do look
good) - and I wouldn't want to delay the official A5 release by a year
or so just to get the compatibility layer in.

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