Re: [AD] Issues with SVN snapshots

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On Sat September 22 2007, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> On 2007-09-11, Stepan Roh <stepan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > You don't need to provide 4.2 snapshots anymore.  Development will now
> > > be focused on the 4.3.10plus branch and the 4.9 branch.  Most of the
> > > work on the 4.9 branch actually currently sitting in the 4.9-newgfx
> > > branch.  So the branches are:
> > >
> > >    4.3.10plus
> > >    4.9
> > >    4.9-newgfx
> >
> > Sorry for the late reply, sourceforge decided that I do not need digests
> > for a month. I've set up the server to generate snapshots for all these
> > branches. However I think new ones will not be visible on the web because
> > of clenup script actions (as was the case with 4.2 snapshots).
> Hmm... files that show up in the snapshots page follow the pattern
> all*.zip, so changing number should be ok.

Incase anyone is interested I have a bunch of 4.2 snapshots and started making 
4.9 snapshots. I'll fix the script later to dump 4.2 and use 4.3 and 
add -newgfx.

The script handles all of the stuff that's normally run prior to a regular 
release, so all packages should be ready to build without any funkyness you 
get from an svn checkout, or straight snapshot.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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