Re: [AD] filename encoding again

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On 8/5/07, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I also renamed file_encoding to filename_encoding.
> I have no idea about the outstanding windows issues, so before applying,
> someone needs to look at those..

I think the Windows function should look something like this:

void _al_detect_filename_encoding(void)
   /* DMC's C library does not support _wfinddata_t */
   /* Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, etc support unicode filenames */
   set_filename_encoding(GetVersion() & 0x80000000 ? U_ASCII : U_UNICODE);

That code could be removed from wsystem.c then, since it will
automatically be called. And _al_win_unicode_filenames could be
removed and get_filename_encoding() could be used in its place (in

Also maybe _al_detect_filename_encoding should return the encoding
instead of setting it. Probably doesn't really matter either way.

Matthew Leverton

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