Re: [AD] AL_ prefix clashes with OpenAL

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On 2007-07-11, Victor <vwss1984@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think the problem is not change the prefix. Eveything may clash with
> something else.
> I think that the solution is to internally change the function names to
> something very allegro-specific and unfriendly to avoid clashes. And
> use macros to rename them.
> If someone could use projects that may clash names, just use some sort
> of #define before #include <allegro.h> to disable the macro renaming
> and  use the allegro internal name.
> We already do this in the compatibility layer, personally i don't see
> problem with using it everywhere else since it's transparent to the end
> user.

Until they start debugging.

> Just people who could run into clashes in places where they can
> get clashes should concern about that.

I'm afraid that users may confuse Allegro constants with OpenAL
constants.  Then I suppose they should
#define ALLEGRO_NO_SHORT_PREFIXES before #include <allegro.h>


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