Re: [AD] AL_ prefix clashes with OpenAL

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On 7/7/07, Chris Robinson <chris.kcat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Another idea that just came up with on IRC would be to use a struct of
function pointers for the "exported" Allegro functions. The idea would be to
have a struct that contains all the functions Allegro can export, then have
an inline function load them in the user program.

My initial reaction is that it's a bit of an overboard way to resolve
naming collisions and introduces a non-standard / hacky way of
creating namespaces that isn't going to be obvious to the average C
programmer. Unnatural solutions tend to cause problems down the road.
For instance, I wonder how will this plays with third party add-on
libraries, or bindings for languages like D or Python.

But I'm not opposed to any solution (including this one, if it
qualifies) that is well thought out.

Matthew Leverton

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