Re: [AD] _al_win_delete_from_vector

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Peter Wang wrote:
Hi, I saw this comment on the trentg/newgfx branch:

     * For some reason _al_vector_find_and_delete isn't working
    void _al_win_delete_from_vector(_AL_VECTOR *vec, void *item)

It'd probably be because you're trying calling

    _al_vector_find_and_delete(&vec, thing);

instead of

    _al_vector_find_and_delete(&vec, &thing);

I'll let you guys fix it.

I think the call in al_unregister_system_driver is also wrong, but I
haven't tested.

Yes, the vector module is at fault for providing an error-prone
interface.  Suggestions, other than change of implementation language,


Ah, I see. I will test it out and make any necessary changes. Thanks.

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