Re: [AD] Function parameter ordering conventions

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On Wednesday 20 June 2007 23:27, Scott F wrote:
> Why put source before destination?
> That's the opposite of "memcpy(dst, src, len)",
> "strcpy(dst, src)", and don't forget "dst = src".

... on the other hand, this is true. However, teh ordering in memcpy is 
very counter intuitive to me and I always look it up when I use memcpy. 
The reason is that I tend to read computer programs as much as natural 
language as possible, so I find it more natural to read the code as "copy 
<source> to <destination>". Essentially the same reason I prefere 
blit(bitmap,...) to bitmap.blit(...) any day of the week.

Either way, it will be personal preference and doing it consistent is the 
most important thing. There's no pleasing everyone.


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