Re: [AD] Function parameter ordering conventions

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On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 19:27:38 (or close to it) +0300, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

As I said, they're completely different types of things. To me, saying that they should be treated the same sounds like over designed forced object oriented programming. Object oriented is good, but it shouldn't be overdone. Treating colours on the same footing as bitmaps is overdoing it.

Venturing off-topic now, but what is AL_COLO(U)R missing compared to AL_BITMAP? Both are structs with a range of functions that operate on them - the distinction between object and attribute is arbitrary, *BUT*:

That just made me think of something - assume a hypothetical function to
draw a tinted bitmap, it could then consequently be:

al_draw_tinted_bitmap(AL_BITMAP *bitmap, int x, int y, AL_COLOR *color)

This is a very good example where this distinction makes sense. Which means the rule:

"[object - ] position(s) - attribute(s)"

applies to all 3 examples (colour, primitive, bitmap).

The point is to have a very simple rule for parameter order that applies to *all* allegro functions. Saying:
1) objects    { AL_BITMAP, AL_SPRITE*, AL_SOUND*  (*)=hypothetical)
2) position   { start_x|y|z, end_x|y|z }
3) attributes { AL_COLOR, AL_BLEND_MODE*, AL_FOO* }
and source comes before dest (or vice versa), would go a long way into ensuring a good API.

A few more questions:

1) What is the status on blending functions? I can't find anything in the wiki.

2) Also, is the al_draw_rotated_scaled_bitmap really a good idea? Maybe functions al_rotate_bitmap and al_scale_bitmap would be a better idea? The implementation would be very easy for OGL and D3D, but I can see it being difficult for software backends. Maybe the AL_BITMAP struct could be augmented to contain scaling and rotation information, which would then be used directly by al_draw_bitmap?

Stephen A

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