Re: [AD] New domain

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On Wed, 2007-06-27 at 20:48 +0200, Andrei Ellman wrote:
> Trent Gamblin wrote:
> > I had an extra free domain registration that was going to go to waste,
> > so I registered It now redirects to Sourceforge.
> > Subversion is also at This is not a mirror, just a
> > redirection. Elias set up the virtual hosting at Sourceforge for it to work.
> Here's an idea. Perhaps the domain could be a site that hosts the DLLs 
> etc. needed to run dynamically-linked builds of Allegro programs. It 
> would be nice to have a place where you could download alleg42.dll for 
> 4.2.1 (and alleg40.dll for 4.0.3 if you want to run older programs). In 
> fact, if someone is writing a script for an installer that installs a 
> dynamically-linked app, if it detects that Allegro is not installed on 
> the system (or an older version is installed), it could download the DLL 
> from a URL that always stays the same. Of course, if the apps were 
> statically linked, this hassle will be avoided, but sometimes, I still 
> come accross dynamically linked apps built with Allegro 4.0.x.

I think you want this:

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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