Re: [AD] no assembly patch for Windows

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On 2007-05-04, Matthew Leverton <meffer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Attached are four patches that allow the ALLEGRO_USE_C=1 option to
> work under MinGW and MSVC. They can be applied to both 4.2 and 4.3.
> Note that in the patches, src/compat is on the VPATH despite the
> compat folder not actually existing in the 4.2 branch. Not that it
> breaks anything...
> See:
> The poly3d.c patch was extracted from orz's vcproj.patch and
> win_noasm.diff / win_noasm2.diff are Peter's. (For some reason, I had
> to break them up to get GNU patch to work under Windows.)
> I created the patch based on the changes Peter made to the
> makefile.mgw.

Thanks for that.  I've committed it to 4.2 and 4.3.

> orz had mentioned that the C and ASM DLLs would not be compatible,
> although my initial testing shows that they are. (Nothing elaborate, I
> just tried running a few games with the MSVC-C DLL.)


> Even if there are cases where they aren't compatible, I don't think
> it's a major deal. No one with the MinGW tools will have any reason to
> not use the assembly version. The real reason for the patches is so
> that a MSVC project file can be built (which I am working on). If the
> DLLs prove to not be compatible, it could be renamed to something else
> in the MSVC project file.

We should do that.  Actually, we should do that with all the other
versions too.  Eventually we could make the non-asm versions the default
on x86 platforms as well, i.e. allegro-config --libs would give you the
name of the C-only library unless you explicitly asked for the asm


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