Re: [AD] Organizing an Allegro Hack Day

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Just been reading through the chat log on the wiki while my main machine is updating X11. Looks like it was a useful session with a lot of ground covered, well done! :) I'll go through the BITMAP/ DISPLAY stuff again to see if I have anything to contribute to that discussion, but it looks like points I would have liked to raise were raised.

One thing I want to comment on is my preference for sticking with autotools: they're standard installs and at least one of the systems I use (used) for testing didn't have anything more fancy installed. Switching to a different build system would make it harder to install Allegro on such a system. No, I can't become root on said system to install new software. Yes, I can install it locally, no I'm not going to bother. ;)

Between me and Peter having little time to do more than urge anyone on, does it seem that we need a new Dictator? When I "took over" (I don't actually feel that I did, all I tried to do was make a point to everyone posting forum messages on what should be done and how without actually contributing anything themselves) a new impulse to implement things drew in some more dormant and new developers, something similar might happen now if someone else can push the cart for a bit. ;)

Do we plan to make meetings like this regular (or semi-regular)? I'll try to make it next time.


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