Re: [AD] help building 4.3 on windows/scons

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Jon Rafkind wrote:
Milan Mimica wrote:
On 08/01/07, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
process_begin: CreateProcess((null), gcc -dumpversion, ...) failed.
make: *** windows32_openpipe (): unable to launch process (e=2)
.  Stop.
sorry, i get the same CreateProcess() failed error with make on 4.3. is
there a single culprit for this or should I reinstall all of mingw and
It seems that gcc is noth in your %PATH%. What happens if you type
"gcc --version" to the command prompt?

gcc is in my path, i can run gcc --version on the command line normally. its a bit of a fuss to copy/paste it since this is my linux box, but it does work.

I finally fixed this. The problem was I had a make from unix utils and that make did not play well with mingw. I blew away unix utils and everything works fine now.

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