Re: [AD] alpha blending in new GFX API

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On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 11:21 +0100, Milan Mimica wrote:
> The short question: Will alpha blending will available in color depth
> lower then 32-bit?
> How I see it in, the
> programmer won't be able to create a RGBA bitmap in 16-bit color depth
> (or any other lower then 32-bit mode). The only assumption I'm making is
> that al_create_display_bitmap() will fail with other then desktop's 
> color depths on platforms that not allow changing color depth on the 
> fly, like X11.

What about this:

AL_BITMAP *al_create_bitmap_2(int flags, AL_DISPLAY *inherit_from,
                                 int width, int height, al_id_t format)

I was assuming, the format paramter would allow specifying any format
you want.

Elias Pschernig

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