Re: [AD] set_mouse_speed for X

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On Fri, 2006-12-22 at 08:55 -0700, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> Fixed.
> > Also, I don't understand why 5/2 isn't converted to 25/10, and what the
> > MIN/MAX is for.
> The MIN keeps the speed from going too high. The mouse becomes useless
> if you go above 10x acceleration. The MAX keeps the acceleration from
> going below zero.. actually that may not be desired.
> New patch attached.

That was fast, thanks :) I still think, we don't need an arbitrary limit
at 10x.. if a user passes a speed of 1000, then let them live with the

Also - do you think it would work fine using hundreths instead of tenth?
E.g. if someone has 1/3 (0.33) as default speed, it would now get 3/10
(0.30) - probably not noticable, but with 1/100 instead of 1/10 we would
be at the safe side :)

Hm, and set_mouse_speed really is a bad API, only way to speed up is by
passing the value 1. Anyway, nothing that can be done about that.

Elias Pschernig

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