Re: [AD] set_mouse_speed for X

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On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 20:02 -0500, trent@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I have attached a small patch that makes set_mouse_speed work in X. It
> depends on the "xset" utility, and won't do anything if you don't have
> it or if your X mouse driver doesn't support changing the
> acceleration. I'm not sure this is the best way to do it, but it works
> for me. I havealso attached a small test program.

Thanks. Seems to work, but can you explain how it works? E.g. why do you
need a temporary file?

Also, it probably can't be applied directly like that, since we have a
standard way to create a tempfile I think, but that should be easy to

Another question is, why not use a direct X11 API call instead of xset?

And also, will this patch cause the mouse behavior of existing programs
to change in any way?

Elias Pschernig

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