Re: [AD] Information about open source project |
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On 2006-09-13, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think he's working alphabetically, since I had one for 'alleg'
> yesterday and 'KQ' today.
> It's dumb because he's spamming all developers and not just the
> project admins, and he's going to have to read all the replies to
> interpret them. Or, cross correlate the responder with the projects
> they belong to, if someone replies without quoting his original
> message. Also it's bad because he can presumably harvest people's real
> email addresses from the replies. I would have asked people to visit a
> web page and fill in a form.
Could be worse. Heard a seminar earlier this year where the guy's
measure of success of open source projects was the number of downloads
off SourceForge.
Presumably someone paid him for it. Don't know who's the bigger idiot.