Re: [AD] 4.2.1 showstopper bug in pack_fopen_chunk()

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OK, I've returned from my holiday, and have come up with a patch that fixes both the GetTempPath() string-size bug (Windows) and the free()'ing tmpnam_string bug (all platforms).

The fix for the GetTempPath() bug actually involved changing the '>' to a '<'. I had originally assumed that the code was trying to save memory by pruning the excess length from the string-buffer (which I assumed when I single-stepped the code in the debugger), but then realised that it was supposed to grow the buffer if it was too small (which it failed to do, but because the default length was sufficiently large, this did not show up). While GetTempPath() does not add the terminating \0 to the size it returns if the buffer was sufficiently large, it does include it when the buffer is too small. Also, GetTempPath()'s nBufferLength paramater and return value are actually lengths in TCHARs, so I also modified the realloc() call to realloc(tmp_dir, size * sizeof(TCHAR)).

As for the free()'ing tmpnam_string bug, as well as looking it up on the microsoft site as I did in my last post, I also looked it up in the libc reference at DJ Delorie's site, and came to the conclusion that the return value of tmpnam(NULL) always points to an internal buffer. This meant all I had to do was get rid of the line that free()'d tmpnam_string.

While this fixes the bugs, there are still some style-related issues in pack_fopen_chunk() that I have not fixed. There apperas to be some inconsistencies in the usage of _AL_MALLOC/_AL_FREE etc. and malloc/free . For example, the lines
appear, and a few lines later,
At the moment, _AL_MALLOC/_AL_FREE are the same as their libc equivalents in the 4.2 branch, but if this were to change, things could start to go wrong.

Also, I've not fixed the issue of the temporary filename under Windows containing a '\/\' sequence it it's path, although W2K manages to cope with it and treat it like a regular '\'.

Anyway, I've tried this fix out with the code that caused the original problem to show up, and the resulting patch has eliminated the problem. Note that the patch is against the version of 4.2.1 that Evert posted some 3 weeks ago (this might be RC2). At the moment, I've only tested it on W2K, MSVC6, Debug-DLL and Debug-Staticlink builds.

*** file.c.old	Sun Jul 16 22:16:48 2006
--- file.c	Tue Sep 19 00:45:43 2006
*************** PACKFILE *pack_fopen_chunk(PACKFILE *f, 
*** 1960,1968 ****
           /* Get the path of the temporary directory */
           do {
              size = new_size;
!             tmp_dir = realloc(tmp_dir, size);
              new_size = GetTempPath(size, tmp_dir);
!          } while ( (size > new_size) && (new_size > 0) );
           /* Check if we retrieved the path OK */
           if (new_size == 0)
--- 1960,1968 ----
           /* Get the path of the temporary directory */
           do {
              size = new_size;
!             tmp_dir = realloc(tmp_dir, size * sizeof(TCHAR));
              new_size = GetTempPath(size, tmp_dir);
!          } while ( (size < new_size) && (new_size > 0) );
           /* Check if we retrieved the path OK */
           if (new_size == 0)
*************** PACKFILE *pack_fopen_chunk(PACKFILE *f, 
*** 2004,2013 ****
           /* note: since the filename creation and the opening are not
            * an atomic operation, this is not secure
!          tmpnam_string = tmpnam(NULL);
           tmp_name = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(strlen(tmp_dir) + strlen(tmpnam_string) + 2);
           sprintf(tmp_name, "%s/%s", tmp_dir, tmpnam_string);
-          _AL_FREE(tmpnam_string);
           if (tmp_name) {
  #ifndef ALLEGRO_MPW
--- 2004,2012 ----
           /* note: since the filename creation and the opening are not
            * an atomic operation, this is not secure
!          tmpnam_string = tmpnam(NULL); /* Note: tmpnam_string now points to an internal buffer which does not need to be free()'d */
           tmp_name = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(strlen(tmp_dir) + strlen(tmpnam_string) + 2);
           sprintf(tmp_name, "%s/%s", tmp_dir, tmpnam_string);
           if (tmp_name) {
  #ifndef ALLEGRO_MPW

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